We Deserve to be Heard!

     Many people believe by not saying what they feel or think about this world is okay. Most people just want to avoid problems because as we all know we have enough of those already. We have came to a point in life that its becoming just a little necessary to go out and argue and express what we feel about this world we are in and are becoming. We have all found out some very crazy stuff during this pasted year. We are in fact in a global pandemic that most people aren't taking serious, there are millions of people being racially abused by their own police department, and let's not forget ICE has children put in cages for no specific reason and people aren't talking enough about it, that's what we should all be talking about.

     First off, let's talk about the pandemic we are currently in. Its been really hard for people all over the world. It all hit us at once, we didn't know how to react to it especially because our own president of the United States of America wasn't taking it serious enough and believing its all just fake. When we all know there's people out here dying because of it. Not everyone is taking this serious as we should. There is a lot of people trying to take precaution while others are acting as if it wasn't a real thing.

    Secondly, There are millions of people being racially abused, harassed, and being detained for no reason but the color of there skin by their own police department. I don't think that's what they taught them when they said they wanted to pursue there career in being a police officer. Many non colored police officers think colored people are a threat to the community which is not true at all.  

    Lastly, Children are being kept in cages for unnecessary reasons. There parents came into the U.S hoping for a better future for themselves and there children. Instead of ICE letting them flee back to there country they imprisoned them and didn't allow parents to know where there children were going to be located. For what reason?  The U.S once again failed as a country.

     Personally, I think that if everybody did there part to spread awareness and be informed about the world we live in, everything would be way better and less chaotic. We are living in really difficult times. We will soon get through this and be better as long as we are in gods hands.



  1. You make some really important points here. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to reading more!


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